Men’s mental health a perspective

If life is a roller coaster; full of twists and turns so bright, dynamic and exciting that you never want to get off – then depression is a basement. It is deep underground, and it is dark. So dark you’re too afraid to move. You just sit stationary, wishing you could escape, but unable to see a way out.

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Anxiety and University

Hi Everyone!

It has been such a long time since my last post- but don’t worry, I have more things coming soon!

I wanted to talk a bit about anxiety and university in this post. It is now the time of year when people start to go to university- this may be for the first time, or for the final time. This year, of course, is going to be completely different than all others.. I went to university for the first time way back in 2009- (that weird time, when we didn’t all have laptops and had to go to the library to use a computer, when the world was full of girls with super thin eyebrows, when we took actual cameras out on nights out… what a time!)

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Guest Post- There and back again: A personal journey from doctorate to diagnosis

For this post I have welcomed my friend Sophie to write a guest post. In this piece, Sophie shares her personal experience of mental illness during her PhD studies, including receiving her diagnosis and learning how to work healthily. Sophie welcomes questions/discussions about her experience and is happy to respond to any questions left respectfully in the comments below.

Continue reading “Guest Post- There and back again: A personal journey from doctorate to diagnosis”